2560 Post Rd. Twinsburg, OH 44087 | Tel: 330-425-2565
JOIN US IN WORSHIP! In Person or on Facebook | Service begins at 9:30am.

Faith Gives Hope
The purpose of the Faith Gives Hope program is to:
support men and women in the Twinsburg and surrounding communities who are seeking employment and/or transitioning between jobs by providing gently used donated occupational clothing;
help alleviate the financial burden of purchasing and maintaining work-appropriate attire;
provide free employment or interview suiting/outfits with complete styling assistance
Once Employed the Job Seeker may:
return one more time to receive additional clothing items to supplement and support their initial outfit;
receive information on job readiness skills needed such as interviewing skills, resume writing and budgeting;
receive a list of community partners who support the Faith Gives Hope Program who may be able to provide additional job support.
What the Job Seekers Receives from The G.I.F.T. Shop:
one complete occupational related outfit (ex. suit or dress or a mix and match ensemble blouse, shirt, skirt or pants);
if available, other accessories such as handbag, pantyhose/socks, jewelry, belt, tie and shoes;
interview check list
list of community and social service resources
We’re not just another thrift store!
Our purpose is to equip those looking for employment with appropriate, clean and well fitted interview clothing. The G.I.F.T. Shop is a program of Faith United Methodist Church Twinsburg’s “Faith Gives Hope” Ministry, a non-profit 501 c3 project created solely for the purpose of providing employment clothing to unemployed, underemployed or those men and women transitioning between jobs or careers.
What makes us Unique?
1st impressions can help secure a successful interview. With just a simple referral from one of our Community Partners, individuals from Twinsburg and our surrounding communities can receive FREE interview and/or occupational clothing to help them look their best at an interview or on the job!